A Few Words
Our Believe
Why the name 'One Step Journey'?
“A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step.” This Chinese proverb by Lao Tzu implies that a person must begin his or her journey to reach their goal or destination. It is a motivational proverb that expresses deep insight about determination and avoiding procrastination.
At One Step Journey, we strongly believe that a journey is made up of many “one steps”. It takes one step to begin any journey and this initiative is often the most integral part of gaining success and overcoming challenges. Just like when we solve mathematical problem sums, at times the question may seem challenging and leaves us at our wits’ ends, causing many students to give up. However, if we tackle the question and solve it one step at a time, soon we will realise that the step we took before has led us to a step forward and eventually, the solution lies before us. We hope that our students will never stop taking one step at a time, no matter how big or small, to reach their goals and achieve what they set out to accomplish.
Not all journeys are smooth-sailing. Achieving our goals can be a tough and overwhelming journey but even the longest and most difficult ventures have a starting point and begins with one first step. We wish that our students will have the tenacity to persevere through the challenges they face by taking a step at a time. Success is not achieved in one giant step but in lots of tiny steps in the right direction and with the right attitude.
Your child can achieve anything; just one step at a time.

Our Learning Pedagogy
Our Model

I Do
We Do
You Do